The Bitterness of Poor Quality Lives on Long After the Price is Forgotten!
Your home is one of your most important assets. One of the best things about real estate is that you have the power to influence whether it gains or loses value. When a home is properly cared for it can appreciate in value and make you a lot of money. However on the flip side if a home is poorly cared for it can quickly depreciate and become a drain.
The value of maintenance and repairs
Part of improving your home’s value is proper maintenance and repairs when necessary. This can include anything from a fresh coat of paint to replacing broken appliances or structural wear and tear. Most homeowners often leave these maintenance or repairs until they decide to sell or appraise their home. In some cases, such as new paint, this strategy is just fine. When it comes to structural repairs, waiting until the last minute is a mistake.
Structural repairs like foundation repair or roof replacement need to be addressed as soon as possible because the longer they are left unattended the more damage they do, not just to the home, but also to its value. Always be sure to address structural concerns as soon as they are found and before more cosmetic or non-foundational maintenance.
Only quality foundation repairs increase home value
So you’ve discovered an issue with your foundation and you’ve decided you want to fix it as soon as possible to protect your home’s value. Awesome! Now you have to decide who is going to make those repairs.
It is essential that any repairs made are of the highest quality. If foundation repairs are not permitted and city-approved you should assume they will not hold up over time. Only engineer-certified plans will ensure your foundation remains strong preventing later damage to the home and its value.
Here at Sure Safe, we’ve repaired many foundations that had been previously “repaired” but did not hold up over time, or were not city-permitted and approved. Even if a contractor’s repairs are quality, when they are not permitted and approved they cannot be included in an appraisal of the home’s value, and you may even be required to undergo additional repairs just to be able to sell. You may think you are saving money by going with a cheaper option, but don’t be fooled into ignoring the long-term value of your home.
At Sure Safe we show you the cost of repairs and permits so you know where your money is going. We stand by our foundation repair so you can know your home’s value will not be harmed by poor quality repairs or a lack of permitting.