How Long Should Foundation Repair Take?
Have you ever driven past a home with a foundation that was being repaired? You may have noticed the destroyed lawns, piles of dirt everywhere, and the house up on stilts. You may even drive by the next week and everything looks exactly the same. You may have thought to yourself, “there has to be a better way” and Sure Safe agrees!
Foundation repair is often associated with lengthy repair times and major inconvenience. Depending on the foundation repair method the required construction time can vary dramatically, but industry standard the shortest time possible is usually a minimum of 3 days. Many contractors can often present plans that require up to several weeks for repair time. Sure Safe is here to tell you it’s possible to strengthen your foundation more than traditional methods in a fraction of the time.
How long does Sure Safe foundation repair take?
Sure Safe’s patented VR-1 Foundation System makes it possible to cut those repair times down to as little as a single day! Some repairs that would take weeks by conventional methods can be shortened to as little as just a few days. By leveraging the system’s special geoformed footing Sure Safe can customize a foundation repairs to the specific ground conditions of your home and the needs of your home’s supporting structures, thus eliminating the need to dig out or lift the home to change the groundwork and add entirely new walls and supports.
In many cases adding the VR-1 system modernizes the foundation to current building codes and can make the new foundation worth more than the cost of repairs. Every home repaired by Sure Safe receives an engineer certified custom repair plan, which can cut days and weeks off of potential repair time. Sure Safe knows how important your home is to you and that’s why we want to get you back where you belong in less time with less hassle.
How strong are Sure Safe repairs?
The VR-1 system forms a 9-square foot, poured in place, concrete footing. Each footing houses a structural steel subassembly that locks the post to the subassembly, which is attached to the girder and hanging above the ground inside the form 3-5 inches. As the form is filled with concrete, it pulls the post to its center of gravity and becomes one with the house. When filled each footing weighs more than one half ton while accomplishing the following:
9-square foot footprint prevents settling
Provides both vertical and lateral support and protects against earthquake forces
Locks the home to the ground by shear multiplicity of half ton footings and protects the home from uplift caused from earthquakes and high winds
Engages natural laws of physics causing each post to carry the same identical load
Forms to the grade and becomes one with the structure
Provides superior load transfer
Read more about the VR-1 System here.
Now that you know a little more about how Sure Safe can make your home strong again, contact us to see if our patented VR-1 System can make your foundation repair experience quick and painless. Let Sure Safe make your home strong again!